Why Mulch? 7 Benefits of Mulching

Mulch can provide so many benefits to your garden. Mulching provides way more than just curb appeal. Here are 7 benefits of mulching.


1. Control Weeds

Through the use of mulch you can limit the amount of weeds that spring up in the open spaces of your garden. The mulch acts as a barrier, limiting the amount of sunlight that can find its way to the weeds.

2. Retains Moisture

Organic mulches absorb water. They do this by covering the soil and limit evaporation. Retaining moisture, especially during hot, dry seasons can not only help out your plants, but it can also help your water bill.

3. Prevents Soil Erosion

Mulching not only keeps existing water trapped in the soil, it also keeps rain water from washing away your soil. It does this by breaking the fall of the water and therefore lessening the force when the water impacts the ground.

4. Maintains Soil Nutrients

Not only does mulch keep soil nutrients from being washed away with the rain, but it also can release nutreints into the soil if you are using an organic material. This happens as the organic material slowly decomposes on top of the soil.

5. Controls Pests

Using certain types of mulch such as cedar, can deter certain pests due to the fact that the cedar has natural oils that act as insect repellant. To reap the full benefits, be sure to find a mulch that is very fragrant, as it will have the greatest affect on insects.

6. Encourages Beneficial Insects

Using organic material for mulching can encourage earthworms to occupy your garden soil. As any good gardener will tell you, earthworms help improve soil structure and nutrient cycling.

7. Polishes Up Your Garden

Mulch can give a garden a finished look by filling in the empty spaces while being one of the easiest fillers to maintain. Grass, groundcovers, and other fillers may take extensive care, such as mowing and watering as well as competing for resources with your garden plants. Mulch is easy to care for and never competes with your plants.

If you are interested in purchasing high quality mulch please call 860.674.8855 or request a delivery quote here.

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